API Education


Build a Better API Product and Team With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method by beNovelty

Have You Ever Encountered Challenges in API Design and Team Formation?

Sub-millisecond performance
Misalignment between product vision and team understanding
Sub-millisecond performance
Inadequate communication and collaboration within the team
Sub-millisecond performance
Difficulty in leveraging team knowledge
Sub-millisecond performance
Limited creativity in problem-solving
Sub-millisecond performance
Insufficient understanding of user needs and requirements
LEGO® Is More Than a Game


LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) is a facilitated workshop technique that utilizes Lego bricks as a medium for communication, problem-solving, and idea generation. It is based on the belief that everyone possesses valuable knowledge and insights, and that hands-on, visual activities can unlock creativity and enhance collaboration.

Behind the Methodology

How does LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® work?

The Advantages

Applying LSP to API Product Design and Team Formation

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method creates a participatory and inclusive environment where team members actively contribute. By utilizing hands-on construction with Lego bricks and following the API product design steps, it enhances collaboration and communication of complex concepts, leading to improved outcomes.

By leveraging the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, participants can accomplish the following:

  • Facilitate vision alignment

  • Enhance communication with storytelling

  • Tap into team intelligence for diverse perspectives

  • Encourage creative problem-solving

  • Gain user insights through prototyping and scenarios

What We Offer

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop by beNovelty

beNovelty adopts LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) methods for API product ideation and enhancement in both internal and external projects, aiming to draw diverse ideas and opinions.

Our Approach

Empathize & Define

Understand the persona and define the problems

Ideate & Prototype

Generate ideas and rapid prototyping with LEGO bricks

Test & Feedback

Validate and test the ideas via discussions led by our API experts and compile action lists

Our Qualifications

Our Workshop is led by facilitation Team with:

Certified facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method
Certified UX Specialists
Seasoned API Product Manager

Our Workshops

Our LSP workshops are fully customized and can be applied to different topics.

API Product Innovations
Unlock Creativity
Personal Growth
Team Building & Development
Complex Problem Solving

Types of Workshop

We provide two types of workshops tailored to meet your needs and requirements.

Half Day Workshop

  • 2.5 Hours
  • You will have the opportunity to select a challenge to solve during the design thinking workshop.

Full Day Workshop

  • 5 Hours
  • The creativity workshop ignites participants' creative thinking through a hypothetical challenge statement, introducing design thinking and fostering creativity.

Want to Know More?

Please feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in enrolling in our upcoming LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop for either a public class or arranging a private class for your internal team. We would be thrilled to discuss the details with you and accommodate your specific needs.

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