our solutions

API Management Platform


Why API Management?

With growing number of external & internal APIs, effective API Management helps manage, secure, mediate, analyze your complex enterprise API programme.

Senstitve data interchange cannot be avoided in modern digital economy, your APIs & data need to be secured and protected from unauthorized access and threats.

API developer experience (DX) matters in building up API ecosystem, proper API management enables intuitive & self-served experience to scale.

API Enables Programmable Enterprises

Assemble Modern Digital Businesses in Weeks via API Platform

Interested in Adopting API Platform?

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Join Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), Jebsen Group, Jardine Restaurant Group, AS Watson Group etc. to build your Enterprise API Platform with us.

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Join developers from growing tech companies and startups by subscribing our Managed Cloud API Platform to bootstrap your own API business.

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Powering Innovative Enterprises

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